Active transport
2 1 1
sodium and potassium ions, 213
Activity 10, 466
Acute attacks, 631
Acute inflammation, 950
Acute intermittent porphyria, 687
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI),
126, 132
Acute pancreatitis, 127
lab diagnosis, 127
trypsinogen, 127
Acute phase reactant, 852
Acute promyelocytic leukemia, 906
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), 408
Acyclovir, 553
Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase
(ACAT), 434
Acylcamitine, 469
ADA, 537
Addison’s disease, 78, 757
Adenine, 523
tautomeric forms of, 523
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, 622
deficiency, 634
deaminase (ADA) deficiency, 414, 634
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP),
se e
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP),
se e
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
se e
Adenovirus, 606
Adenylate cyclase, 223, 713
activity, 223
Adenylate deaminase, 471
Adenylate deaminase deficiency, 478
Adenylylcitrulline, 342
ADH, 725, 733, 930
Adhesins, 207
Adhesion receptor proteins (integrins), 163
Adipocyte, 173, 224
brown, 487
white, 487
Adipocyte lipolysis, 469
Adipose tissue, 82, 333, 487, 788, 797
fatty acids, 218
glutofemoral accumulation, 82
high-fat and high-carbohydrate
diets, 504
Adipose tissue stores
release, 505
Adolase deficiency, 235
ADP (adenosine diphosphate)
resonance forms of, 74
ADP ribosylation, 223
ADP-glucose, 284
Adrenal and ovarian adenomas, 604
Adrenal androgen, 757
Adrenal cortex, 300, 749
Adrenal glands, a, 749
Adrenal medulla, 749, 760
Adrenal medullary function
disturbances, 767
Adrenarche, 757
a-adrenergic agonists, 82, 290
/J-adrenergic agonists, 82
/l-adrenergic effect, 776
/3-adrenergic fibers, 753
Adrenergic receptor, 289, 763
a-adrenergic receptor, 493
Adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison’s
disease), 757
Adrenocorticotropic, 702
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH), 742
Adrenoleukodystrophy, 438
Adrenopause, 757
Advanced glycosylation end products, 32
Aerobic oxidative metabolism, 235
Affinity chromatography, 38
Affinity labeling, 99
Affinity-tag chromatography, 39
African berries
katemfe and serendipity, 146
Agammaglobulinemia, 952
Aggregation of collagen molecules, 589
Aging, 146, 185
Aglycone, 143
Agmatine, 332
Agonists, 104
Agricultural insecticides, 98
AIDS, 612
Akee fruit, toxicity of, 282
ALA dehydratase, 684, 685, 687
ALA synthase, 684
ALA dehydratase deficiency
porphyria, 687
Alanine, 20, 232, 235, 278, 339
/3-alanine, 26
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 128, 278
Alanine glyoxylate amino transferase, 267
Albinism, 360
Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy,
718, 772
Albumin, 63, 128, 333, 490, 513,
708, 950
Alcaptonuria, 360
Alcohol dehydrogenase, 97, 236, 898
Alcohol-induced liver disease, 335
Alcoholic cirrhosis, 915
Aldol condensation, 241
Aldolase, 71, 229
Aldonic sugar acids, 140
Aldose reductase, 297
Aldosterone, 197, 222, 749, 750
biological actions, 754
physiological effects, 755
Aldosterone secretion
regulation, 752
Aldosteronism, 198
Alendronate, 890
Alkalemia, 16
Alkaline bohr effect, 650
Alkaline phosphatase, 335, 889, 898
2 2 0
Alkylphosphorylated acetylcholinesterase
reactivation of,
ALL (T cell), CML, 611
of the apo E gene, 62
Allergic asthma, 205
Allolactose, 595
Allopurinol, 94, 95, 272, 632, 633
Allosteric activators, 649
Allosteric effect
theoretical models, 117
Allosteric effectors, 286
Allosteric enzyme regulation, 111
Allosteric enzymes, 111, 232
Allosteric inhibitor, 241, 648
Allosteric modulator
of hemoglobin, 231
Allosteric proteins, 608
examples of,
1 1 2
kinetics of,
Allosteric site, 111
Allostery, 608
Alloxanthine, 94
Allysine, 177
Allysine residues, 181
Alpha-keto acids, 239
Alpha-ketoglutarate, 239
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), 23
Alteration of DNA molecules, 557
Alternative pathway, 808, 831
Alternative RNA splicing and
editing, 607
Alternative splicing, 566, 607
Alu family, 530
Aluminum, 894
Aluminum-containing antacids, 879
Alveolar macrophages, 304
Alveolitis, 179
Alzheimer’s (A/3 peptide) vaccine, 63
Alzheimer’s disease, 56, 61, 62, 269,
535, 795
Alzheimer, alois, 61
Amadori rearrangement, 32
Amadori sugar-amino acid residue
adducts, 32
A m a n ita p h a llo id e s,
480, 569
Amenorrhea, 792
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